Bga Instructors Manual For Master

BGA Instructors Manual This new, fourth edition of the definitive gliding instructors manual includes a number of new chapters as well as revised text and additional diagrams. The manual is printed in A4 perfect bound soft cover and includes vital information for both instruct.

Instructor’s Manual Originally Prepared in 1984 by the Masonic Education & Lodge Service Committee R.W. Macdougall, Chairman R.W. Is copytrans safe to download. Anagnostos R.W. James Coolong, Grand Lecturer R.W.

Curtis, Dept. Grand Master R.W. George, Grand Secretary R.W.

Charles Plummer R.W. Clyde Ross Revised 2009/2010 Masonic Education & Lodge Service Committee R.W. Richard Bowden R.W. Walter Hodgdon V.W. William Layman R.W. Steven Mairs Wor.

Donald McDougal V.W. Christian Ratliff R.W. Lester Smith R.W. David Walker R.W. Timothy Martel, Chairman M.W. Landry, Grand Master Contents: • Section 1 – Accepted Candidate • Section 2 – Entered Apprentice • Section 3 – Fellow Craft • Section 4 – Master Mason • Section 5 – Fourth Night Program Dedicated To Most Worshipful Ralph J. Pollard Honorary Past Grand Master, Grand Lodge of Maine Chairman of the Committee on Masonic Education and Lodge Service 1954 – 1970 Author of the “Pollard Plan ” program of Candidate Instruction PREFACE In 1980, Most Worshipful Harland F.

Small, presiding Grand Master of Freemasons in Maine, directed Right Worshipful Ernest H. Curtis, then chairman of the Committee on Masonic Education and Lodge Service, to develop a revised plan for the Masonic education of candidates and new master masons including a manual for Masonic instructors. The Grand Lodge’s Pollard Booklets developed by Most Worshipful Ralph J. Pollard, one of Maine’s finest Masonic scholars, were used as a basis for this expanded educational opportunity for candidates and new master masons.

A comparative study was conducted of educational plans and educational manuals employed in other grand jurisdictions, and the advice of prominent Maine masons was sought and compiled. The resulting plan and the draft for an accompanying instructor’s manual was “field tested” by the committee by direction of Most Worshipful C. Ross Buzzell and through the cooperation of forty lodges within the state. At the termination of this “pilot phase,” the draft for the instructor’s manual was reviewed by the Committee on Masonic Education and Lodge Service and read for final review by two Past Grand Masters appointed by Most Worshipful Peter C. Schmidt: Most Worshipful brothers Charles E. Crossland and Roger I. As a result of the combined effort of many masons, The Instructor’s Manual places in the hands of Masonic educators and instructors within this grand jurisdiction a most valuable tool which will assist them in their efforts to assure that Freemasonry shall “live in the hearts of men.” R.W.