Bridge Master 2000

Bridge Master 2000 is an educational computer program that is certain to improve your declarer play technique. Bridge Master 2000 is a computer program for PC and PC compatible computers. The Standard Edition of Bridge Master 2000 and of Bridge Master 2000 run on Windows 95 or better, have state of the art user interfaces, and come on CD-ROMs. Bridge Master 2000 is an educational program for improving your declarer play skills. The program presents you with a series of instructional deals to play. You are always declarer. The deals that you play are not randomly dealt.

They are carefully constructed exercises designed to illustrate an important declarer play technique. If you take the correct line of play you will always make your contract.

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What is Bridge Master. Bridge Master is a computer program for IBM compatible computers. The Standard Edition of Bridge Master 2000 and Audrey Grant's.

If you make any mistake as declarer, the program will defend perfectly and defeat your contract. Each deal is accompanied by an animated bridge movie that will explain the correct line of play as well as the thinking process that leads to the solution. The blue stones by isak dinesen pdf reader.

That fact that you can only make your contract by playing correctly makes Bridge Master a fabulous learning medium. In real bridge (and with other computer bridge programs), a declarer's mistakes are often forgiven by imperfect defense or a lucky lie of the cards. With Bridge Master your mistakes will always be punished. You are 'forced' to figure out the correct play if you want to make your contract.

In turn, you learn something about bridge in the process. If you play a Bridge Master deal incorrectly, it is best to keep trying again until you get it right. If you give up, however, the bridge movie will make the answer clear.

As you read through the bridge movie, images on your screen will reflect the bridge content in the text. For example, if the text reads, 'if trumps break 4-1.' , a large hand diagram will display the 4-1 break. There is no need to cross out cards or write down end positions. The bridge movie always displays whatever bridge illustration you need in order to understand the explanation. Bridge Master's instructional deals are organized into 5 levels of difficulty. Skill Level 1 is suitable for new bridge players.

Deals on Skill Level 5 are extremely challenging, even for world class players. The deals on Skill Levels 2, 3, and 4 are suitable for most club and tournament players as well as experienced social bridge players. The user interface of Bridge Master has been designed to make using the program as simple and pleasant as possible. Everything is 'over-sized' to accommodate those with vision problems.

The user has a wide range of color choices. In addition there are several options for customizing how Bridge Master will display bridge deals. Bridge Master remembers how you played each deal and what your results were.

In this way you can track your progress and go back and review deals that gave you trouble. It also remembers your color preferences and display options. If more than one person uses the program, their results and preferences are remembered separately. Bridge Master contains extensive online help. You will find the program so easy to use, however, that documentation is almost unnecessary.

The Standard Edition of Bridge Master 2000 comes with 180 lesson deals, 36 on each of the 5 levels of difficulty. When you have finished with the deals that come with Bridge Master, hundreds of refill deals are available on all skill levels.

Bridge Master is endorsed by many of the world's best bridge players including: • Billy Eisenberg • Benito Garazzo • Bobby Goldman • Bob Hamman • Eric Kokish • Mike Lawrence • Zia Mahmood • Jeff Meckstroth • Eric Rodwell • Kit Woolsey Bridge Master is the only software product that Audrey Grant, North America's top bridge teacher, is willing to recommend her students. Warren Buffett, Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway Corporation and one of America's leading businessmen, is also an avid Bridge Master user. Regardless of your level of bridge ability, Bridge Master is certain to improve your game. System Requirements PC or PC compatible computer with Windows operating system; 3MB free hard disk space; CDROM drive; 8MB RAM; at least 800x600 screen resolution.