Counter-Strike Source V45

Here you can download best versions of CS 1.6 NonSteam absolutely for free. Source Edition counter strike download Gold Edition. This version of the game is an exact analogy of the steam Counter Strike 1.6.

Open source counter strike

About the GAME: =============== Counter-Strike: Source (also known as CS or simply CS:S) is a multiplayer, team-based tactical first-person shooter video game, developed by Valve and Turtle Rock Studios. It is a remake of Counter-Strike, the 1999 modification of Half-Life. Built on the Source engine, the game was released in 2004 along with Half-Life 2. The game is the most played Half-Life 2 mod, according to GameSpy. As in the original version, Counter-Strike: Source games pit a team of counter-terrorists against a team of terrorists in a series of rounds.

Each round is won by either completing a mission (such as detonating a bomb or rescuing hostages) or by eliminating all members of the opposing team. Game airport city unlimited money. Unlike Half-Life: Source, the game is a complete remake instead of a port with additional content.

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