Gamecube Xeno Modchip Installation

GameCube XENO - installation. In order to begin your ModChip modification you will need the following: • Low watt soldering iron (15-30 watt) with a fine tip.

Get yourself a glass fibre pen to expose some copper from the trace that you ripped the pad off. Also, you have to use flux and a small solder tip. No plug n play solder iron if you want to do this correctly without having it look like a mess. The right tools are worth the investment and will save you a lot of trouble trust me:) Use the pen to get some of the soldermask off but do it very lightly and be sure to not overshoot. You can use an exacto blade like i do because it is a lot more precise but you also risk messing it up more. Hope that helped:) • • • • • • •. I've modded 2 gamecubes and I've noticed that, while they will boot games, the games might error out.

Some of my games work fine, others error out or have visual glitches. I dropped the pot down to ~200ohms due to another thread I read on the internet which also stated that it won't go any lower than 150ohms even though the multimeter reading will say so. At 200ohms, it runs decent, several games error out though. Now I'm interested in turning it down closer to 100ohms to see the results but I'm dreading taking these things apart again lol. Have you had any error issues while playing games at 100ohms? Edit for clarification: burned games* • • • • •.

GameCube Xeno GC Mod Preparation In a previous post, I. Well, the GameCube Xeno GC mod finally arrived from China and I had some time to install one. Disassembling the GameCube takes a small amount of time. There are four security bits that require a 4.5mm female torques bit to open up.

Once you have removed the shell, you will need to remove 4 smaller screws along the front of the device. After that, you will remove another series of standard Phillips bit screws. Finally, you will remove the front and rear panels, the power button and fan unit pulled from the side, and the unit can be split in half.

The lower half of the GameCube can be put off to the side as it is not needed for this mod. From there, you can focus on the top half and flip it upside down. Take care at this point since you do not want to jar the delicate laser. Next, remove the metal shielding that is held in place by 6 standard screws and remove it. Once that plate has been removed, you will find the motherboard you will need to focus on for the mod. GameCube Xeno GC Mod Installation Once you have the motherboard exposed, you’ll want to locate an area labeled “CN302”.

There are a series of flat contact pads that the mod is designed to use. Using how to orient and solder the Xeno GC modchip. You will need to take special care with soldering the Xeno GC modchip and board together as some of the contact points are very tiny. Before installing the chip, I found each contact point and added extra solder to them so installation would be easy. This way, all that you need to do is to heat up the added solder and attach it to the modchip. GameCube Xeno GC Mod Suggestions If you are new to soldering, you may want to use jumper wires to install the mod. The Xeno GC mod will sit off to the side and wires will be run to the contact points.

This will be easier for you but will take more time and not as clean looking in the end. Once you have the mod installed, check the laser pot while the GameCube is open. This pot will need an adjustment by you to ensure it can read backed up games. The following image will help you adjust the pot so it will read your mini DVDs.

Set your multimeter to 2000 Ohms and connect the leads as indicated in the image. My GameCube had an initial resistance of 440 Ohms. You will need to make tiny increments to get it the sweet spot of 196-220 Ohms. This will allow your GameCube to read any mini DVD you use.

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I got my pot down to 208 Ohms and worked perfectly with my mini DVDs. You can view a quick video of the.,,,,,,,, Post navigation.