Ghostscript Convert Pdf To Tiff Command Line

Does anyone know of the minimum parameters to pass to gswin32c.exe to make it convert, say, someFile.eps to someFile.eps.pdf? Windows command-line parameters ghostscript share improve this question.

I'm trying to convert several multipage pdfs to several single pages tiffs. I want to do it with one single command and perserve reference from single tiff to original pdf. Now I'm using gs -dNOPAUSE -dNoVerifyXref -sDEVICE=tiffg4 -r300 -dBATCH -sOutputFile=page-%d.tiff pdf1.pdf pdf2.pdf. Pdfn.pdf with the resulting files page-1.tiff, page-2.tiff. Page-m.tiff where m is the totalt number pages combined in all inputted pdfs. What I want to achieve Is it pssoible to update the command to instead get the resulting files: [pdf name]_[pdf page].tiff eg. Pdf1_1.tiff pdf1_2.tiff pdf2_1.tiff, if pdf1 has two pages and pdf2 one page.

Download flm the forbidden legend sex. Or similar Note. Don't want any script examples, just looking for Ghostscript command.

Possible Duplicate: I'm looking for a free library that allows me to convert a PDF document to a (or several) TIFF images. If Tiff is not possible it can also be other images formats. I read about a way to do this with Ghostscript, but I couldn't find a good explanation.

So any hints how to do that? EDIT: According to the comment I use this command to execute: Process.Start('gswin32c', '-dNOPAUSE -q -sDEVICE=tiffg4 -dBATCH -sOutputFile=' + fileName + '.tif ' + fileName + '.pdf'); I see that GhostScript is executed in the command line, But I always get an error: System.ArgumentException was unhandled Message=The contact with id '16778241' does not currently exist. You cannot use the Process.Start(string filename) overload to supply command line parameters. From MSDN: This overload does not allow command-line arguments for the process. If you need to specify one or more command-line arguments for the process, use the Process.Start(ProcessStartInfo) or Process.Start(String, String) overloads. So try the following instead: Process.Start(@'C: Users Roflcoptr Documents Visual Studio 2008 Projects Prototype_Concept_2 Prototype_Concept_2 bin Debug gswin32c', '-dNOPAUSE -q -g300x300 -sDEVICE=tiffg4 -dBATCH -sOutputFile=Report__21_18.tif Report__21_18.pdf'). Can you post up the Process.Start() line of code?

I am guessing the error of file not found is coming from the path being incorrect. That being missing the quotes. Because of the space in visual and studio it would assume that 'C: Users Roflcoptr Documents Visual' is the directory. Process.Start(@' 'C: Users Roflcoptr Documents Visual Studio 2008 Projects Prototype_Concept_2 Prototype_Concept_2 bin Debug gswin32c ' -dNOPAUSE -q -g300x300 -sDEVICE=tiffg4 -dBATCH -sOutputFile=Report__21_18.tif Report__21_18.pdf'); The best way to test this, maybe to first fire up a command prompt and see if you can run that command line successfully before using it in Process.Start() method call.