How To Play Bd Iso On Ps3

Download lagu gangnam style gudang lagu mp3. When you got the new DVD you created, you can now play on your PS3/PS4 with ease.Get backed up ISO files compatible with PS3/PS4 For viewing ISO files on PS3/PS4, a dead easy way is to rip ISO into a format the PS3/PS4 can play.

Hey so long story short, son got Cars 3 BluRay for xmas and we only have the PS3 atm for playback which I installed Ferrox/Cobra 4.82 sometime a month ago when the hack released. Wanted to watch it today naturally and PS3 refused to play any BluRays. 'This video cannot be played' and back to the dashboard every time. Anywho after a bit of searching there seemed to be an error with v1.00 of the CFW Ferrox + Cobra 4.82 and they did release an update v1.01 that fixes a few things, one being BluRay ISO (that includes from disc) Here is the link to the release Install it by making a folder called 'PS3' and inside that folder 'UPDATE' and rename the file ps3updat.pup and place it in the 'UPDATE' folder and install from USB on PS3 like a normal update. USBDRIVE:/PS3/UPDATE/ps3updat.pup P.S I know it should be 'You're' in the title, welp!

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