Miraj Naam Ke Wallepepar Dikhana Styal

Reg Charity No: 262404 Martyrdom in Sikh Tradition:: Martyrdom in Sikh Tradition On the Baisakhi day in 1699, Guru Gobind Singh, 10th Nanak, repeated Guru Nanak’s challenge to those aspiring to follow the Guru’s path: Jau tau prem khelan ka chao. Sir dhar tali gali mori aao.

Hamesha ke is kaarye ke bina mushkil hoga is duniya se wah shaanti aur suraksha paana. Un bhavishyevaktaon ke shikshanon ka paalan karna chahiye jo Masih chahate hai ki hum kare. Apne aanewaale khushiyon ko mat kam karo asaan maarg lekar bajae bharosemand susamachaar siddhant ko apna kar.

“If you wish to play the game of love, come my way, with your head on the palm of your hand.” (Guru Granth Sahib (GGS) p.1412) Sikh martyrs are mentioned in daily Ardaas (supplication). Sikh martyrdom tradition is the first such tradition in India. The Semitic origin of the concept signifies moral and spiritual struggle. “Martyr” from Greek “martus” means “witness”. In Arabic, “Shahid” also means witness or one who provides testimony. A martyr, by supreme sacrifice for faith or a cause, bears witness to its truth, and to his or her allegiance to it, and is prepared to die for it rather than renounce own faith or ideal. True love ( prem) demands sacrifice ( kurbani).

Cara instal ulaunch ke flashdisk. • 6.Fungsi dasar karaoke: Pitch, Tempo. • 1.Bisa dengan 2 monitor, monitor 1 memilih lagu, monitor utama menampilkan lirik • 2.Dilengkapi Software pemroses suara secara digital (DSP=Digital Sound Processing) • 3.Bisa digunakan dari laptop dengan resolusi minimal 1024 x 768 • 4.Mendukung File MOV, AVI, MPG,MPEG,AIF, DAT • 5.Mudah menampilkan preview video baik pada saat mencari lagu (data list) atau pada saat kita • menyanyi kemudian kan mencari lagu berikutnya untuk membuat playlist. X karaoke 8 pro ternyata software karaoke player hasil editan dari D Zone Extreme 8 Pro, Akan tetapi fiturnya juga tidak beda-beda jauh dengan D Zone Extreme 8 Pro. MENU UTAMA PRO KARAOKE HOME EXTREME Saya asumsikan agan telah menginstal software pro karaoke dan sudah terintegrasi dengan komputer atau laptop anda, maka untuk menjalankan software pto karaoke ini dapat dilakukan sbb: Klik ganda icon karaoke player pada desktop Tunggu aplikasi loading (secara background), kecepatan loading juga ditentukan oleh kemampuan CPU komputer yang digunakan Setelah proses loading selesai, menu utama akan tampil dengan empat tombol didalamnya, yaitu KARAOKE, DATABASE, ABOUT, EXIT.

Without true love for the Guru, the Dispeller of Darkness, it is not possible to reach the goal of this life: a state of blissful union with the Timeless Lord Creator Being. Therefore, as Dr J S Grewal, with reference to Bhai Jodh Singh, writes, “Guru Gobind Singh’s “ Jin prem kio tin hi Prabh paayo” was an echo of Guru Nanak’s “ Jau tau prem khelan ka chao.”. Union with “God”, the Ultimate Reality, is only possible through true love “prem” by accepting His Will or Bhana, gratefully. After the two Guru martyrs, Guru Arjan Dev and Guru Tegh Bahadur, Guru Gobind Singh’s whole life epitomised a true living martyr, ever ready to sacrifice his all for his Mittar Pyara (Waheguru, the Wondrous Enlightener) and for his spiritual family (“pariwara”), his children, the Khalsa.

And so the children “marjeevray” (reborn) in the Father-Guru’s image, became the “Guru Khalsa”. The distinction between the Guru and his Khalsa was removed on that Baisakhi day in 1699. Martyrdom is an integral part of the Sikh tradition.