Obtenga El Si William Ury Pdf

Obtenga el Si/ Getting to Yes: El Arte De Negociar Sin Ceder (Spanish Edition) [Roger Fisher, William Ury, Bruce Patton] on Amazon.com. Obtenga el Si/ Getting to Yes: El Arte De Negociar Sin Ceder (Spanish Edition) [Roger Fisher, William Ury, Bruce Patton] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on.

Getting to Yes is a straightorward, universally applicable method for negotiating personal and professional disputes without getting taken -- and without getting angry. It offers a concise, step-by-step, proven strategy for coming to mutually acceptable agreements in every sort of conflict -- whether it involves parents and children, neighbors, bosses and employees, customers or corporations, tenants or diplomats. Based on the work of Harvard Negotiation Project, a group that deal continually with all levels of negotiations and conflict resolutions from domestic to business to international, Getting to Yes tells you how to:?????? Separate the people from the problem?????? Focus on interests, not positions?????? Work together to create opinions that will satisfy both parties??????

Download komik fairy tail chapter 298 bahasa indonesia translation. Negotiate successfully with people who are more powerful, refuse to play by the rules, or resort to 'dirty tricks' --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

Este libro profundiza en el tema de la negociaci n con uno mismo y en las din micas personales de esa negociaci n, en lugar de centrarse en los factores exteriores. El objetivo final de Obtenga el s consigo mismo es mejorar la capacidad del lector para alcanzar un equilibrio interior que contribuir a mejorar su vida, har sus relaciones m s saludables y conseguir que su carrera sea m s exitosa. El proceso incluye los siguientes pasos: * Superar el juicio negativo sobre nosotros mismos para alcanzar la autocomprensi n. * Superar la culpa para llegar a la autorresponsabilidad. * Superar la visi n de escasez para llegar a la abundancia. * Superar la resistencia para alcanzar un estado de flujo.

* Superar la exclusi n para llegar a la inclusi n. * Del gano-pierdes al gano-ganas.

ENGLISH DESCRIPTION William Ury, coauthor of the international bestseller Getting to Yes, returns with another groundbreaking book, this time asking: how can we expect to get to yes with others if we haven't first gotten to yes with ourselves? Renowned negotiation expert William Ury has taught tens of thousands of people from all walks of life--managers, lawyers, factory workers, coal miners, schoolteachers, diplomats, and government officials--how to become better negotiators. Over the years, Ury has discovered that the greatest obstacle to successful agreements and satisfying relationships is not the other side, as difficult as they can be. The biggest obstacle is actually our own selves--our natural tendency to react in ways that do not serve our true interests. But this obstacle can also become our biggest opportunity, Ury argues. If we learn to understand and influence ourselves first, we lay the groundwork for understanding and influencing others. In this prequel to Getting to Yes, Ury offers a seven-step method to help you reach agreement with yourself first, dramatically improving your ability to negotiate with others.