How To Program A Virus In Python

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Placeholder Trojan: Writing a Malware Software Placeholder Trojan: Writing a Malware Software Garrett Bourg bourg.garrett (at), Matt Bullock bullock (at), and Robert Miller millerrt (at) (A paper written under the guidance of ) Abstract A Windows machine infected with the Placeholder Trojan can be made to do a multitude of things by a remote attacker. When a victim installs our malicious program, their computer will communicate silently with an attacker whenever they are logged in.

Our program consists of a fake installer--disguised as an official Java updater--which downloads and installs the Trojan (written in Python and packaged as an executable) onto the victim's computer. The Trojan communicates with a remote server (also written in Python) which is controlled by the attacker via a Java GUI. The data in all messages between the attacker and the victims are encrypted and routed through the remote server (an Amazon EC2 instance). This makes the program more secure, as the attacker's IP address cannot be discovered by monitoring network traffic from an infected computer. Furthermore, the attacker can connect to the server from anywhere. The source code is available on our Github page. This project is meant for educational purposes only.

The authors take no responsibility for anyone using this code with malicious intent. Keywords Placeholder, Trojan, malware, botnet, Windows, Python, Java, netsec, network, security, command and control Table of Contents: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1. Introduction A malicious user only needs you to press 'Yes' once for them to have control over your computer.

When a smartphone application asks for permissions it will list what permissions it needs, but when a Windows application asks for permission it receives all permissions of the logged in user and possibly more. To show the vulnerabilities of such a system, we created a Trojan horse program that infects Windows computers. Disguised as another program, our Trojan is really malicious software that is not detected by antivirus software. This 'Placeholder' Trojan silently runs on a victim's computer and is capable of stealing users' information and assisting in cybercrime. Figure 1: Connection between attacker and victim 2. How the Trojan Infects A Computer When a user visits to play a seemingly harmless game, they are informed their Java version is out of date and prompted to download and install a Java update. When the user opens the fake Java update file it will be prompted by User Account Control to allow the program to run.

Since the installer was written in Java, the UAC popup will tell the user the file is signed by Oracle Corporation, so it will have a valid digital signature. Figure 2: The installer has been 'signed' by Oracle Corporation. The file that is then downloaded follows the same naming scheme as Java updates and the interface looks very similar.

Figure 3: The actual Java installer Figure 4: Our imitation of the Java installer (before installation) Figure 5: Our imitation of the Java installer (during installation) Figure 6: Our imitation of the Java installer (after installation) Regardless of what the user does at this point the Trojan will be installed. If they click the 'x' to close the window, hit cancel or hit install, the installer will download the Trojan. The installer will then run the executable file that was downloaded with administrator privileges and schedule it as a process to run with those privileges at startup. Windows 7 all in one iso free download kickass The executable file that was downloaded and run is named 'svchost.exe', which is a very common program to have running on a Windows computer, helping us hide it from the user.

What The Trojan Does Our program, once on a victim's computer, will communicate with the attacker via a relay server. The attacker can issue various commands, such as harvesting the user's Chrome passwords, logging keystrokes, taking a screen capture, encrypting files, and DDoSing a server. 3.1 Password Theft When a user enters their login information on a website using Google Chrome they are prompted to save the login information so it will be autofilled later. This information is saved in an SQLite database stored locally.

All the information in this database is stored as plaintext except the password which is encrypted using the Windows API function CryptProtectData, meaning it can be simply decrypted when logged in as the same user. When the Trojan receives the command to gather stored passwords, it does three things. • First, it kills all processes with the name 'chrome.exe'. It does this to unlock the database so the Trojan can then call read functions on it. • Next, it opens the database and pulls all the data from it. • It calls the CryptUnprotectData function from the pywin32 library on the encrypted password which returns the password in plaintext.